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개발자: Shabshai Castle
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The application is based on the patented authors PIK system (Personal Source Code)

The system helps a person mentally, emotionally and physically adapt to changes in the modern world.

The PIK system indicates the vector where you need to direct your gaze, your attention. At the same time, the system of understanding PIC will allow you to independently assess your personal resource and manage it without the involvement of coaches, consultants or mentors. When you control your Source Code, you completely control the situation and can rewrite your code adequately for quantum uncertainty.

Briefly about the PIK system

The Personal Initial Code (PIK) is the sum of the coefficients of the three main vital resources of a person: mind, body, feelings.
IQ is the intelligence quotient. This is the area of ​​ideas, innovations, insight, insights, cognitive flexibility, non-standard thinking.
EQ is emotional-intuitive intelligence. He is responsible for the ability to distinguish and transform his feelings and the feelings of other people. And at the apogee of his development, he provides us with powerful intuition.
VQ is the coefficient of vital energy. This is will, discipline, and the ability to fulfill promises and implement plans. Lets consider each of these coefficients in more detail.

- level of cognitive flexibility;
- memory volume;
- level of concentration of attention;
- way of thinking;
- thinking management skills

- level of emotional cognition;
- level of stress resistance;
- level of emotional burnout;

- general state of health;
- the presence of body stress blocks; - individual type of charisma;
- level of discipline;
- level of will;
- the potential of a physical resource.

Each of the potentials (IQ, VQ, EQ) has three levels of effectiveness: basic, individual and genius

1 Diagnosis of IQ, EQ, VQ and type of thinking
2 Diagnostic result
3 Development of individual algorithms to increase the level of PIC
4 Support to the result
5 Result / increase in personal efficiency and quality of life from 70 to 300% of the starting level of the PIK

The application consists of two main parts:
1 Diagnostics of personality IQ and four levels of programs to increase each coefficient of IQ (IQ EQ VQ)

2 Diagnostics of a partners PIK and strategies for effective communication with a partner in family and business based on a partners PIK diagnosis